Several hacks for it came to mind, but the simplest was attaching it to a remote. The following video was shot using the Lego video car (WARNING: audio might be kinda LOUD since the Spydercam sits pretty close to the motors that drive the Lego RC car wheels). Time is running out for our SpyderCam Sweepstake If you havent entered, click on our Sweeptake tab to enter. Lego Video Car: I was able to find an EYESPY Spyder Cam(1) at Goodwill. The advantage of the Lego RC car is that it is fast, but the disadvantage is that the video is choppy as you’ll see in the video below. The disadvantages of the Rover and RC Tank are that they are slow moving, but the advantage is the Spydercam sends back good video.

I've also attached it to the Snap Circuits Rover. You might not be able to find the RC Tank any more except on eBay.
I've attached it to the Popular Mechanics RC Tank-hint: use a rubber band to fasten the Spydercam to the battery block. Toy Vid Cam EyeSpy Bendable Arms (SpyderCam) User Manual details for FCC ID VPC-89303 made by Citiwell International Inc. You can, however, attach it to any remote controlled vehicle you may have.
Is CCTV Affordable Yes, systems are available starting at just £800 for which we can install a camera, monitor and recording media on your premises. I have an old Lego remote control car that’s been gathering dust so I decided to use it for this article. The Eyespy External Camera in a vandal resistant housing complete with high resolution camera and lens typically fitted in external applications. Several hacks for it came to mind, but the simplest is attaching it to a remote control vehicle.
I am offering a variety of class options but the most cost effective will be for groups of 4 or more, so grab some friends and come have fun!! I have discounted prices for packages purchased in advance but please read the applicable restrictions carefully. If you sign up for weekly classes I plan on having a booth at the monthly Mt Dora Art Walk (when it starts again) for ALL of us to display our wares and hopefully sell some off our work! I do not sell any refreshments so feel free to bring your own. As I'm on a tight schedule, I respectfully request you do not arrive/depart more than 15 minutes before and after your scheduled class time.I was able to find the EYESPY Spydercam at Goodwill. The studio can seat 4 people very comfortably and up to 8 if needed. Everyone has an inner artist dying to express themselves and I'd like to help you find this artistic voice by guiding and encouraging experimentation with different mediums and art techniques. FOR SALE EyeSpy Spyder Cam with Live Video. Just like our personalities it's okay not to be "everyone's" flavor! Now, while I'm still dedicated to producing my own art I find my greatest fulfillment comes from helping others find, believe in and express their own Inner voice. I take great joy in finally being able to have my own studio and invite you to come paint with me!! Join me at EyeSpy Studios for a fun, relaxing, and well rounded artistic experience.ĮyeSpy Studios is a friendly, non-judgmental environment that inspires artistic growth on an individual basis. EYESPY SPYDER CAM Surveillance Technology with Live Video Eye Spy Camera - 69.99. It isn't right or wrong, it isn't at all important if someone else likes our work or not, some will hate it and others love it even more passionately.

Below are more details about each benefit: Hosting virtual tours and narrated tours. EyeSpy knows the world of restaurants inside-out and can turbocharge your business with ideas. A great service for any hospitality business. EyeSpy ensures that our staff, service, atmosphere and training are spot on for our brands. After watching my daughter 'Arting" freely from 2-16 years of age and then teaching at Painting with a Twist for 5 years, I slowly came to realize that what I had passionately believed to be true for me in fact applied to everyone ! Art is meant to be for EVERYONE, its a personal language to connect our inner self to the outside world. The main benefits of EyeSp圓60 are its hosting virtual tours and narrated tours, video call and chat function, creating floor plans and 3D models, custom branding, generating analytics and reports, and open integration. EyeSpy’s reports are thorough, comprehensive, and most of all, enhance and support our operations. I kept my "serious aka controversial" artwork private but experimented with fun interactive pieces, with different mediums and surfaces ranging from people to walls and many things in between! There was always something missing, Art for Art's sake did not fulfill me on an everyday basis. At the tender age of 17, with no artistic experience and only the instinctive belief that Art would somehow save me from the terrifying Nothingness inside me after growing up in war ravaged Rhodesia, I dived into doing a B.Fine Arts. Institutional art bred the mentality, that if your art isn't on a par with Van Gogh & Picasso you are a failure and many in my art class didn't touch a brush for decades afterward. It has been an interesting journey to arrive at this point in my artistic career.