
Ticket to ride first journey board game
Ticket to ride first journey board game

If you connect one of the West Coast cities to one of the East Coast cities with a path of your turns, you immediately claim a Coast-to-Coast ticket. (If you can't connect cities on either ticket because the paths are blocked, you can take your entire turn to discard those tickets and draw two new ones.)


A fantastic new direction for a hugely popular series of games. Easy to learn and quick to play, ticket to ride. So the summary is an easy one if you’ve got younger gamers, or non-gamers, or just people who want a quick game of something fun, slightly strategic but easy enough for a 4 year old to understand, then Ticket to Ride First Journey is perfect. The game is easy for the whole family to play together. In this version, players can embark on their very first ride and visit major European and American cities. If you connect the two cities shown on a ticket with a path of your trains, reveal the ticket, place it face up in front of you, then draw a new ticket. Buy Days of Wonder - Ticket To Ride First Journey Board Game online for only 54.64/ea at Zehrs Markets. Buy Now 4.99 USD or more A FANTASTIC WAY TO DISCOVER THE TICKET TO RIDE SERIES Ticket to Ride: First Journey is part of the famous Ticket to Ride board game series. On a turn, you either draw two train cards from the deck or discard train cards to claim a route between two cities for this latter option, you must discard cards matching the color and number of spaces on that route (e.g., two yellow cards for a yellow route that's two spaces long). During the game, players will collect train cards, claim routes on the map of Europe, and try to connect the cities shown on their tickets. Each player starts with four colored train cards in hand and two tickets each ticket shows two cities, and you're trying to connect those two cities with a contiguous path of your trains in order to complete the ticket. Start your trip across Europe with ticket to ride: first journey (Europe) ticket to ride: first journey takes the gameplay of the ticket to ride series and scales it for a younger audience. In more detail, the game board shows a map of the United States with certain cities being connect by colored paths.

ticket to ride first journey board game

With a brand new map and simplfied rules. In general, players collect train cards, claim routes on the map, and try to connect the cities shown on their tickets. Players of all ages can now venture across America by train in Alan R. Ticket to Ride: First Journey takes the gameplay of the Ticket to Ride series and scales it down for a younger audience. Click Here to Buy Ticket to Ride : First Journey Perfect for imaginative play, travel across America with friends with the Ticket to Ride: First Journey Strategy Board Game.

Ticket to ride first journey board game